The Results
The PDFs contain the votes from all 19 judgings.

Results by ID

Results by score
AV-Oscars were given to submissions numbers 11, 57 and 76.
The best 10 submissions got money prizes. From the entry fees we payed out 950 €.
The best 41 submissions got certificates for a succesfull participation.
ID | Author | Country | Title | Length | Score | Rank | Prize |
1 | Diana Belsagrio | Italy | The Lovers - The Moon - The Magician | 201 | 132,7 | 12 | |
2 | Jürgen Tappe | Germany | Ehrengräber - Graves of Honour | 199 | 104,8 | 56 | |
3 | Malcolm & Jenny Gee | United Kingdom | Blickling Hall - A Norfolk Gem | 201 | 98,7 | 64 | |
4 | Nikolaus Frank | Germany | Vergänglichkeit ist ein Prinzip der Harmonie | 195 | 130,0 | 16 | |
5 | Arthur Palache | The Netherlands | The Osborne house | 160 | 96,1 | 66 | |
6 | Gerard van Meel | The Netherlands | de stip / the dot | 124 | 113,7 | 40 | |
7 | Jean Vannerum | Belgium | AENEAS STRUCTUUR | 146 | 119,9 | 27 | |
8 | Guido Flobert | Belgium | Inferno | 171 | 94,3 | 71 | |
9 | Andrea Candolini | Italy | Polaroid | 114 | 106,2 | 49 | |
10 | Jane McIlroy | United Kingdom | As Time Goes By | 198 | 108,4 | 47 | |
11 | Jan Roeleveld | The Netherlands | Good words … | 195 | 145,7 | 2 | 150 € |
12 | Jos Hagens | The Netherlands | What are we doing? | 200 | 95,5 | 69 | |
13 | Guido Clarysse | Belgium | Drawing with light | 178 | 120,4 | 26 | |
14 | Heiner Lieberum | Germany | Wir mahnen! | 150 | 131,4 | 15 | |
15 | Piet Huijgens | The Netherlands | Cinema Cannes | 130 | 115,4 | 37 | |
16 | Ger Sauer | The Netherlands | Amen | 199 | 129,5 | 17 | |
17 | Mike Pill | United Kingdom | I never thought that beaches could write | 194 | 118,5 | 28 | |
18 | Marcel Batist | The Netherlands | Frozen Lowland | 200 | 135,2 | 10 | 50 € |
19 | Urs Wohlwend | Switzerland | Captured moments - then and now | 194 | 126,1 | 22 | |
20 | Ruud Mulder | The Netherlands | A colourful goodbye | 75 | 114,2 | 38 | |
21 | Jan Tuinman | The Netherlands | Horror en Suspense | 174 | 117,4 | 32 | |
22 | Dieter Hoffmann | Germany | Sturm | 161 | 79,3 | 80 | |
23 | Johan Werbrouck | Belgium | The Gate to Heaven | 200 | 137,4 | 9 | 50 € |
24 | Werner Kreuscher | Germany | The american way to party | 200 | 106,3 | 48 | |
25 | Oliver Gargan | Ireland | Fair Of Muff | 201 | 99,6 | 63 | |
26 | Giel Rombout | The Netherlands | Waters of Life | 142 | 85,3 | 75 | |
27 | Malcolm Imhoff | United Kingdom | The Magic Forest | 199 | 109,8 | 44 | |
28 | Andrea Pfister | Germany | Melange | 165 | 95,6 | 68 | |
29 | Brian Harvey | United Kingdom | The heART Of The Machine | 182 | 137,5 | 8 | 50 € |
30 | Dieter Kugler | Germany | Stein auf Stein | 200 | 105,1 | 54 | |
31 | Bob Thomas | Australia | Facecook | 135 | 117,7 | 31 | |
32 | Henk de Lange | The Netherlands | TXTL | 160 | 123,5 | 24 | |
33 | Regi Popelier | Belgium | Our Precious Nature | 196 | 141,0 | 5 | 75 € |
34 | Elaine Ashton | New Zealand | Tirau | 144 | 82,0 | 78 | |
35 | Alan Tyrer | United Kingdom | Bomber | 201 | 137,9 | 7 | 75 € |
36 | Enrico Romanzi | Italy | INCANTATION | 198 | 139,2 | 6 | 75 € |
37 | Sheila Haycox | United Kingdom | Stop, What's Going Down | 158 | 105,7 | 51 | |
38 | Renke Bienert | Germany | Brexit | 200 | 132,5 | 13 | |
39 | André Teyck | Belgium | Le Blues du Dentiste | 200 | 142,5 | 4 | 100 € |
40 | Marco Ising | The Netherlands | Bucketlist? | 201 | 95,7 | 67 | |
41 | Wilfried Steins | Germany | The Colors of Bryce Canyon | 201 | 115,8 | 35 | |
42 | Alie Kuiper-Tuin | The Netherlands | Tracks in the sand | 175 | 101,8 | 59 | |
43 | Ruth Goldwasser | Australia | Do Not Weep | 170 | 91,9 | 72 | |
44 | Lilian Webb | Ireland | Le Grand Depart | 167 | 82,2 | 77 | |
45 | Walter Schwab | Germany | We Are Safe | 166 | 127,0 | 20 | |
46 | Adèle Ashton | New Zealand | DREAMS | 132 | 62,8 | 82 | |
47 | Albert Dirscherl | Germany | the boy who was a girl | 140 | 105,5 | 52 | |
48 | Reinhild Gärtner | Germany | Am Wegesrand | 143 | 101,4 | 61 | |
49 | Miranda Luyckx | Belgium | fascinating little world | 143 | 128,4 | 19 | |
50 | Raymond Hughes | United Kingdom | The Soller Tramway | 195 | 100,6 | 62 | |
51 | Birgit Mölle-Weber | Germany | panta rhei - alles fließt | 187 | 118,0 | 30 | |
52 | Philippe Masson | France | CANICULE | 126 | 106,0 | 50 | |
53 | Ennio Parmigiani | Italy | Sant' Andrea Church's | 167 | 88,1 | 74 | |
54 | Manfred Weber | Germany | Zero Limit | 165 | 126,2 | 21 | |
55 | Konrad Gärtner | Germany | Monopati | 201 | 101,5 | 60 | |
56 | Rodger Ball | United Kingdom | I Just Wish I Could Paint | 193 | 96,6 | 65 | |
57 | Ian Bateman | United Kingdom | The Gallery | 201 | 148,5 | 1 | 200 € |
58 | Xavier Guibert | France | Ollo le Burkinabé | 201 | 118,3 | 29 | |
59 | Renate Müller | Germany | Iron chapel | 318 | 116,4 | 33 | |
60 | Ludo Kindt | Belgium | The Walking Song | 196 | 112,5 | 42 | |
61 | Liliane Matthys | Belgium | Letting go | 175 | 102,2 | 58 | |
62 | Wal Close | Australia | Navajo Territory | 201 | 104,8 | 55 | |
63 | Karl-Michael Kaufmann | Germany | German X-mas markets | 189 | 70,7 | 81 | |
64 | Trish McAuslan | New Zealand | We Talked Too Long | 198 | 108,6 | 45 | |
65 | Sara Contreras | Colombia | Insomnio | 125 | 94,5 | 70 | |
66 | Alan Boothman | United Kingdom | In my Music Lab | 201 | 114,0 | 39 | |
67 | Marion Waine | United Kingdom | The Path To The Sea | 201 | 105,4 | 53 | |
68 | Peter Hefter | Germany | Outcry of Despair | 96 | 81,2 | 79 | |
69 | Cristian Camilo Núñez Gonzalez | Colombia | Tiempo Muerto | 201 | 108,5 | 46 | |
70 | Gail Stent | New Zealand | Floral Fantasy | 197 | 121,2 | 25 | |
71 | Peter Walther | Germany | SPRAYZY NOEK | 201 | 113,2 | 41 | |
72 | Gerhard Liedl | Austria | Anton Bruckner Universität | 144 | 91,1 | 73 | |
73 | María Alejandra Lucero Gómez | Colombia | In my room | 201 | 104,2 | 57 | |
74 | Gerard Deforche | Belgium | Moon trip o a little boy | 201 | 124,0 | 23 | |
75 | Jill K. Bunting | United Kingdom | A Growing Success | 169 | 112,0 | 43 | |
76 | Paolo Allievi | Italy | Komorebi | 201 | 144,2 | 3 | 125 € |
77 | Peter Reitemeier | Germany | Die Zeit rast … | 188 | 132,2 | 14 | |
78 | Mark Allen | United Kingdom | World's Apart | 201 | 128,9 | 18 | |
79 | Edith Etienne-Fumet | France | VOILES | 113 | 116,1 | 34 | |
80 | Nicole Pihuit | France | Mesdemoiselles les libellules | 150 | 134,8 | 11 | |
81 | Natalia Andrea Romero Reina | Colombia | One note at a time | 167 | 84,6 | 76 | |
82 | Len Cousins | South Africa | The best I could do | 191 | 115,7 | 36 |