Thank You
We like to thank all authors and all judging teams for their contribution, work and time.
The Challenge was again a successfull story. We are happy about the many submissions and judgings.
Feel free to send your feedback or comments to the organizers.
The next Challenge 321 will be in spring 2025.
The Results
The PDFs contain the votes from all 22 judgings.
We received 90 submissions, a pre-selection was not done.
The best 45 submissions get certificates for a succesfull participation.
The best 12 submissions get money prizes. From the entry fees and sponsored money from AV-Dialog we can pay out 1050 Euro for the places 1 to 12.
The best 3 submissions get the "Victor" statue with a tag
"CHALLENGE 321 - 1st Price / 2nd Price / 3rd Price - International AV Contest 2024"
ID | Author | Country | Title | Length | Score | Rank | Prize |
1 | Andrew Gagg | United Kingdom | Fleurs du Mal | 3:21 | 63,5 | 23 | |
2 | Adri en Margreet Snijders | The Netherlands | skye - scape | 3:20 | 55,0 | 56 | |
3 | Jürgen Tappe | Germany | Kaleidoscope 2.0 | 2:48 | 59,6 | 40 | |
4 | Jean-Christophe Rouxel | France | Un blason globe-trotter | 3:20 | 38,3 | 89 | |
5 | Urs Wohlwend | Switzerland | hot carnival | 3:19 | 57,2 | 48 | |
6 | Liam Haines | Ireland | Wonderful world | 2:17 | 54,9 | 57 | |
7 | Brendan Gillan | United Kingdom | Stop | 2:33 | 76,0 | 4 | 100 € |
8 | Heiner Lieberum | Germany | Sternendorf Meinkenbracht | 3:12 | 51,4 | 73 | |
9 | Guido Flobert | Belgium | Winterprik | 2:58 | 52,9 | 67 | |
10 | Paul Glenton | New Zealand | A Way of Life | 3:05 | 55,0 | 55 | |
11 | Marco Ising | The Netherlands | Magical mystery | 3:00 | 49,5 | 78 | |
12 | Patrick De Bruyne | Belgium | Tranquil Firmness | 1:09 | 41,5 | 87 | |
13 | Jean-Marie Will | Germany | Reise ins Ungewisse | 2:34 | 54,4 | 61 | |
14 | Jane McIlroy | United Kingdom | Transformation | 3:21 | 49,4 | 79 | |
15 | Dieter Hoffmann | Germany | As time goes by ... es war einmal | 3:04 | 52,3 | 70 | |
16 | Birgit Mölle-Weber | Germany | Quo vadis ecclesia mea | 3:20 | 70,4 | 9 | 50 € |
17 | Manfred Weber | Germany | Ice or glass | 2:04 | 62,3 | 30 | |
18 | John Holt | United Kingdom | Them was the Days | 2:55 | 64,9 | 20 | |
19 | Renke Bienert | Germany | Garden Wildlife | 3:20 | 72,0 | 7 | 75 € |
20 | Ian Bateman | United Kingdom | Holloway | 3:21 | 71,7 | 8 | 75 € |
21 | Stefano Maschi | Italy | Bluetime in italy | 3:21 | 45,4 | 85 | |
22 | Henk Schell | The Netherlands | West Brabant Autumn Colors | 2:31 | 51,6 | 72 | |
23 | Ger Sauer | The Netherlands | Natural Art | 2:47 | 61,9 | 31 | |
24 | Pierluigi Gusmeroli | Italy | Prayers | 2:02 | 54,6 | 59 | |
25 | Ruud Mulder | The Netherlands | Classics | 2:16 | 54,9 | 58 | |
26 | Dale Murphy | Australia | Old Man | 3:21 | 58,7 | 44 | |
27 | Adrian Whear | Australia | Semana Santa | 2:44 | 63,3 | 25 | |
28 | Malcolm Imhoff | United Kingdom | The Beauty of Wilderness | 3:21 | 53,9 | 66 | |
29 | Tim Harvey | United Kingdom | All That Remains | 3:21 | 63,5 | 24 | |
30 | Brian Harvey | United Kingdom | Mirage | 3:20 | 54,0 | 65 | |
31 | Marie-Anne Estréguil | France | Bârayè | 2:58 | 65,0 | 19 | |
32 | Lino Rocco Genzano | Italy | Solitudine | 3:20 | 70,2 | 10 | 50 € |
33 | Jan Burt | Australia | Autumn ... in 60 Seconds | 1:00 | 54,2 | 63 | |
34 | Paul Byrne | New Zealand | I Like Birds That Sing | 2:37 | 63,8 | 22 | |
35 | Marcel Batist | The Netherlands | Graveyard clearance is coming | 3:19 | 66,2 | 18 | |
36 | Piet Huijgens | The Netherlands | Natural Ice | 3:03 | 55,7 | 52 | |
37 | Scott Antony | United Kingdom | Petra: The Rose-Red City | 3:18 | 59,4 | 43 | |
38 | Harry Cartner | Canada | Unzipped | 3:14 | 61,4 | 34 | |
39 | Daniele Ferretti | Italy | Today is the day | 3:21 | 80,6 | 1 | 200 € |
40 | Mike Pill | United Kingdom | The last act | 3:20 | 59,5 | 42 | |
41 | Gianni Rossi | Italy | RINA | 3:20 | 69,7 | 12 | 50 € |
42 | Sauro Fiorani | Italy | A day with the queens | 2:55 | 63,0 | 26 | |
43 | Dino Gravano | Italy | La Natività | 3:03 | 52,5 | 68 | |
44 | Horst Raab | Germany | The (A)lder K(I)ng | 2:18 | 48,0 | 82 | |
45 | Rosemarie Culver | Canada | Winter in my Heart | 3:17 | 52,1 | 71 | |
46 | Nikolaus Frank | Germany | the illusion of happyness | 3:15 | 62,9 | 27 | |
47 | Sheila Haycox | United Kingdom | Spectral World | 3:00 | 59,5 | 41 | |
48 | Edith Etienne-Fumet | France | Le feu de la forge | 3:12 | 61,5 | 32 | |
49 | Dieter Affeldt | Germany | Foret Magique | 2:54 | 50,9 | 76 | |
50 | Raymond Hughes | United Kingdom | La Alhambra | 3:20 | 52,4 | 69 | |
51 | Claude Prédal | France | En majesté | 2:48 | 60,7 | 37 | |
52 | Peter Vanbaelenberghe | Belgium | LOONSE EN DRUNENSE DUINEN | 3:16 | 41,0 | 88 | |
53 | Malcolm & Jenny Gee | United Kingdom | The Little Red Train | 2:37 | 46,7 | 84 | |
54 | Nicole Pihuit | France | Rhapsodie des mousses | 3:21 | 66,3 | 17 | |
55 | Martina Grass | Germany | Was ist Kunst? | 3:20 | 61,1 | 35 | |
56 | Renate Müller | Germany | Gottes Fehler | 3:19 | 61,5 | 33 | |
57 | Lisa Bukalders | United Kingdom | the elephant's farewell | 2:57 | 67,8 | 15 | |
58 | David Shetliffe | Australia | The Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne | 3:13 | 54,5 | 60 | |
59 | Wallace Close | Australia | White Night Melbourne - After Midnight | 3:20 | 48,8 | 80 | |
60 | Ludo Kindt | Belgium | STOP scaring me | 2:44 | 62,5 | 28 | |
61 | Martin Addison | United Kingdom | Summertime | 3:15 | 57,9 | 45 | |
62 | Wilfried Steins | Germany | Sound Colors | 3:20 | 57,3 | 47 | |
63 | Alan Boothman | United Kingdom | The Tiger in Austin | 3:21 | 62,4 | 29 | |
64 | Sophie Paugam | France | Lou | 3:21 | 76,2 | 3 | 100 € |
65 | André Teyck | Belgium | Colortrava | 3:19 | 75,1 | 5 | 75 € |
66 | Patrick Werbrouck | Belgium | La Perle Bleue | 1:34 | 68,1 | 14 | |
67 | Richard Brown | United Kingdom | Greetings Entrant | 3:14 | 57,1 | 49 | |
68 | Uwe Bergmann | Germany | Eiserne Spuren | 3:17 | 51,4 | 74 | |
69 | Alan Lyons | Ireland | The Hungry Tree | 3:10 | 60,0 | 38 | |
70 | Gerhard Liedl | Austria | Eine Familie ein Zirkus | 2:48 | 57,4 | 46 | |
71 | Jean-Pierre Verstraete | Belgium | Even men can be kind | 2:22 | 44,2 | 86 | |
72 | John Hodgson | Australia | The Torrens Lake | 3:08 | 55,8 | 51 | |
73 | Jan Gres | Slovakia | After the Fire | 3:20 | 59,8 | 39 | |
74 | Vincenzo Baldeschi | Italy | Raccolta della Lavanda Vintage | 3:19 | 55,0 | 54 | |
75 | Veerle Scheerlinck | Belgium | Learning to fly@Sanicol | 2:10 | 51,2 | 75 | |
76 | Adrian Battersby | United Kingdom | Spirit of Norway | 3:21 | 70,1 | 11 | 50 € |
77 | Roberto Rognoni | Italy | TIME EXPERIENCE | 3:20 | 50,6 | 77 | |
78 | Charlie Sykes | United States | Pointillism | 1:30 | 35,1 | 90 | |
79 | Jan Roeleveld | The Netherlands | Peace on earth... | 1:33 | 56,5 | 50 | |
80 | Maureen McCormack | Canada | osprey country | 3:21 | 66,6 | 16 | |
81 | Isabel Werbrouck | Belgium | Bonjour Amour Toujours | 2:37 | 69,2 | 13 | |
82 | Christiana Vanderbeke | Belgium | SUNNY | 2:38 | 54,1 | 64 | |
83 | Colin Harrison | United Kingdom | I'm ghost | 3:03 | 64,0 | 21 | |
84 | Bob McCree | New Zealand | Sunset Poem | 2:58 | 61,0 | 36 | |
85 | Shirley Hollis | United Kingdom | As Dusk Settles | 3:21 | 55,6 | 53 | |
86 | Gilbert Pinggera | Germany | Herbst Geflüster | 2:51 | 54,3 | 62 | |
87 | Giannugo Perrotti | Italy | A.I. Rise and Fight | 3:20 | 72,6 | 6 | 75 € |
88 | Francesca Gernetti | Italy | Finding Henry | 3:21 | 77,2 | 2 | 150 € |
89 | Linda & Edgar Gibbs | United Kingdom | A Glimpse of Magic | 1:59 | 47,6 | 83 | |
90 | John Smith | United Kingdom | Revenge | 1:00 | 48,8 | 81 |