Responsible for this website

Klaus Fritzsche
Mörikestr. 51, 73266 Bissingen, Germany

Privacy Policy

The data of the competitors will be treated with the utmost care. Below we explain how data is collected, stored and used.

1. Collected data

When registering online for the competition, the following data will be collected:

1.1 Author

First name, last name, e-mail address, postal address,
Co-authors: First name, Last name

1.2 Submitted sequence

Title and data such as duration, year of production, etc.
external services, summary

1.3 Permission to share information with other authors

Indicate whether the author's e-mail address is made available to other authors.
Indication of whether the submitted show is made available to other authors.

2. Use of the data

The data collected is necessary for the conduct of the competition. The authors' email addresses are also used once a year to promote the next contest.

3. Storage of the data

All collected data and the submitted works are stored on private PCs of the organizers.
The storage is permanent.
Account details for the payment of winnings are only requested if required and only stored for the duration of the payout.

4. Deletion of data

All data remains permanently stored. However, at the request of the author, all collected data and the submitted works will be deleted after the end of the annual competition.
The deletion will be confirmed by e-mail.

5. Transfer of the data

5.1 Judging teams

The collected author data and the submitted works will be distributed to the jury teams.
At the request of the author, pseudonyms can be used instead of the correct name.
Jury teams may publicly present but not pass on the works outside the competition.

5.2 Homepage

The submitted works are listed on the homepage (author, country and title).
The jury teams are listed on the homepage (name of the group and country / city).

5.3 Other interested parties

Organizers with a legitimate interest may request individual contact details of the authors (name and e-mail address)

6. IP addresses, cookies

The IP addresses of the website visitors are not or only anonymously recorded and stored.
No cookies are used.